As a student in the Henson Bowling Academy, you are preparing for a career as a bowler at the elite levels of the sport. Rather than just learning about how to bowl well you also develop skills that are integral to being successful as a career bowler.
The 2021-2022 academic year consists of three terms – summer term, winter term, and spring term. The schedule contains two 5-day workshops, one in the summer term and one in the spring term. Additionally, there are four mini-workshops of four hours each between the summer term and spring term workshops.
This program is designed such that instead of “taking courses” in the traditional sense you attend workshops between August and June. During the academic year you perform drills customized to your level of expertise, do assignments, take tests, follow physical fitness and nutrition guidelines, and submit progress reports all under the direction of a faculty advisor. Every activity you perform is an element in one of twelve education tracks.
An education track is a learning path for a specific topic that is either skill-based or knowledge-based. The education tracks are logically grouped into education groups based on a common purpose. The education groups and their associated tracks are as follows:
Each education track has a documented list of objectives that map the learning path.
Each education track has a documented list of completion criteria for each progression (belt) level.